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Shandong province issued the first provincial government regulations on environmental protection

author:Shandong a Noelsource:networksNumber:2890dates:2017-11-02

Shandong province officially issued the "regulations on environmental protection in shandong province" (hereinafter referred to as the "measures"), which is the first provincial government regulation on environmental protection. 
The executive meeting of the provincial government stressed that environmental protection is an effective administrative measure to supervise environmental responsibility in accordance with the law. In order to ensure the implementation of the environmental protection approach, early detection of outstanding environmental issues must be discussed. In order to establish a long - term mechanism for the public to report and accept the results, we should pay attention to the application of the results and make the environmental friendly talk to become a kind of regular supervision mechanism, so as to ensure that the environmental protection work is strictly in the ordinary and continuous improvement. 
The contract stipulated in the measures is the main responsibility of the municipal government responsible for the failure to perform environmental protection duties or discharge responsibilities. The circumstances of failure to perform environmental protection duties or discharge responsibilities include: the deterioration of the environmental quality of the year; Failing to complete the annual environmental quality improvement tasks assigned by the provincial government; Failing to complete the total emission control task of annual key pollutants issued by the provincial government; (1) having a major, special or serious environmental emergency; Where there is a strong public reflection of strong environmental problems affecting social stability; There are other outstanding environmental issues that need to be discussed. 
The interview was presided over by the provincial government leading comrades, and was interviewed by the main responsible comrades of the municipal government. To make an appointment with the following procedures: the provincial government led the comrade to explain the appointment and purpose of the interview, and to point out the existing problems of the unit; To make a statement on the appointment of the appointment, and propose the next steps; The provincial government leads the comrades, the provincial environmental protection office and the relevant departments responsible for the relevant rectification requirements and time limits in accordance with the law; The party concerned will make a statement on the implementation of the rectification requirement and make a written submission to the implementation of the rectification within 30 days after the date of the meeting. 
"It is an administrative measure to supervise the lower level of the conversation, which has been carried out in the environmental protection field for many years and has achieved remarkable results. But the provincial government sets up an environmental protection contract, which is the first in the country. Deputy director of shandong province department of environmental protection of Yao Yunhui said at a news conference, "method", and governments at all levels environmental target responsibility system, party and government leading cadres of the ecological environment damage liability shall be investigated for ways to make the effective connection. 
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